
Let's make this our most service oriented year yet! Check back frequently for new information and events!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Book Swap responsiblitys

Each girl has taken a bin that they will drop off at different schools after contacting the principal of that school. The school will then put books in the bins and they would be checked daily by the girls and be traded at the book swap on December 4th. 
 McCoy- Arianna,Catrina and Breonna
Village-Elsa,Marina,Ally and Katie
Purl-Arianna and Breonna
Ford-Ally and Elsa

Before the girls give the bins to the schools,they must contact the principal and ask for permission to set up the bins,along with telling them about the book swap.It would be wiser to send an email or letter instead of showing up and asking because these people are very busy and you may catch them in a bad mood. Be sure to introduce yourself in your email/letter.Thanks! 
Troop 1111


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Calendar Dates

Sorry Folks! I have finally updated the calendar. There are some few dates in the future-2011-that are yet t be added,but i believe I have covered the recent ones. Thank you for being patient! -Elsa

Monday, October 11, 2010

New troop goverment

This year in girl scouts,each girl has a role such as president or treasurer that she keeps for 2 month,instead of having a troop leader(although Mrs. Virginia  and Mrs. Sally are still helping us a great deal.) Here are the roles and who has them.

Vice president-
Special Events-Ally
Service projects-Marina
Junior aide-Reanna
Badge Work-Arianna
(A few girls where missing at the last meating so there are still a few empty slots. Also,we dont have enough girls to fill all of the jobs so some of them have 2 jobs.)