
Let's make this our most service oriented year yet! Check back frequently for new information and events!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Update on Girl Scouts for the rest of 2010

Hi Everyone,

As you may know, I will be out of town almost the entire summer vacation. There are a few girl scout events on over summer that the girls may like to attend.  They are:

July 11th: Overnighter at Dell Diamond. The girls do love this event, please consider taking them this year!


July 30th: George Washington Carver Summer Musical

Girl Scout Camp: Many are still open for registration as well if you are looking for something to occupy your daughters.


I will be back in mid-August. We will be having our first meeting on August 25th!

Some things to look forward to between August and December for the girls (and to put into your calendar)...

September 17th: Cameron Park Zoo Snooze! (Waco) We are booked! Siblings may also attend (@$30 each).


October 16th & 17th: 2 night trip to Fredericksburg (staying at the Fredericksburg Girl Scout House). This is also booked. We will be attending the Monarch butterfly festival, window shopping in downtown Fredericksburg and climbing Enchanted Rock.

December: The Georgetown Kids Book Swap

Jan 22nd: Scout-O-Challenge (Orienteering event)


If you are not planning on being a part of the troop after summer please let me know!

That's all for now.
