As you may know, I will be out of town almost the entire summer vacation. There are a few girl scout events on over summer that the girls may like to attend. They are:
July 11th: Overnighter at Dell Diamond. The girls do love this event, please consider taking them this year!
July 30th: George Washington Carver Summer Musical
Girl Scout Camp: Many are still open for registration as well if you are looking for something to occupy your daughters.
I will be back in mid-August. We will be having our first meeting on August 25th!
Some things to look forward to between August and December for the girls (and to put into your calendar)...
September 17th: Cameron Park Zoo Snooze! (Waco) We are booked! Siblings may also attend (@$30 each).
December: The Georgetown Kids Book Swap
Jan 22nd: Scout-O-Challenge (Orienteering event)
If you are not planning on being a part of the troop after summer please let me know!
That's all for now.